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Building Expectations

Building Doors
●      For security reasons, exterior doors should remain closed and locked during school hours. Do not open doors for anyone.
Building Security Procedures
●      During school hours, all persons MUST press the buzzer, identify themselves, and state their reasons for wishing to enter the building.
●      Once in the building, all persons are required to sign in and show legal identification at the office. A visitor’s badge will be provided if applicable.
●      No adult will be allowed to visit any classroom without FIRST making contact with the classroom teacher and scheduling an appointment. The phone extensions of all team members are provided in this document. Please note that instruction will not be interrupted by unannounced and/or unplanned visitors entering classrooms.
●      Legal documents from the court are required for allowing or refusing a biological parent access to their student. Please ensure the school is provided with any legal documentation from the court regarding your student.
●      Keep the school office updated on any revisions or changes regarding custody arrangements, if applicable.
Building Celebrations
●      Birthday Celebrations: Individual birthday parties are not allowed during the school day. However, parents may provide store-bought birthday treats to be distributed the last 30 minutes of the day, no earlier than 2:30 PM. Parents must schedule with the teacher prior to bringing treats to the school. If time has not been scheduled, treats WILL NOT be allowed into the classroom. Please bring all necessary paper products for the treats, as teachers do not have these supplies in their classrooms.
Birthday Celebrations
●      Building celebrations and specific holidays may take place throughout the year. Communication will be sent to families in advance. All food items must be store-bought and in the store package.
Health Room/Clinic
▪       The school nurse will contact you should your child’s symptoms warrant going home. In the event your child needs to leave school due to illness or injury, please pick up your child as quickly as possible.
▪       All medications must be brought to the school nurse by a parent or guardian in the original container with labeling.