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Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival Procedures
Students should arrive at school between 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM. Upon arrival, students should go directly to their classrooms. Parents dropping off students should follow the designated drop-off procedures to ensure safety and efficiency.
Bus Expectations and Bus Riders
Students who ride the bus are expected to follow the bus rules and behave appropriately. Safety is a top priority. Students should remain seated, keep hands and feet inside the bus, and speak quietly. Misbehavior on the bus may result in disciplinary action and loss of bus riding privileges.
Car Rider Expectations
Parents picking up their children by car should use the designated car rider lane and display the school-issued car tag with the student’s name and grade. Students will be called in the order of the cars’ arrival. Parents should remain in their vehicles to ensure a smooth and safe pick-up process.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal begins at 3:00 PM. Students will be dismissed according to their designated mode of transportation (bus riders, car riders, and walkers). Teachers will escort students to their appropriate areas to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal.
Early Dismissal Procedures
If a student needs to leave school before the end of the school day, a parent or guardian must sign them out at the school office. Please provide a written note or call the office in advance to inform the school of the early dismissal.
Walker Dismissal Procedures
Students who walk home will be dismissed from a designated area. Parents who meet their children should wait in the designated waiting area. Students should follow all safety guidelines when walking home.